CP Flight ADF Radio Modules - Review
/cp flight ADF radio, NAV 1/2 and M-Comm communication module (Flight Deck Solutions). Note the use of oem 737 DZUS fasteners
CP Flight in Italy is well known for its production of quality simulator parts, in particular their Main Control Panel (MCP) units that work out of the box – literally plug and fly. This short review is for the ADF Radio modules that I have recently installed into the simulator center pedestal to replace the radios made by SISMO Solicones. Although this short review pertains to the ADF radios, all CP Flight modules are made similarly to the same quality and utilise the same methods of connection.
ADF radios may appear “old school” with many virtual flyers more concerned in learning and understanding the more modern LNAV, VNAV and GPS navigation systems. It’s important to realize that not all countries comply with the aviation regulations enforced within the United States (FAA). Many developing nations still use VOR and ADF stations as the primarily means of approach. Further, knowing how to use and having the appropriate equipment installed to be able to follow these “older style” navigation beacons is often good practice for redundancy and to cross check the results from primary navigation. Using VOR and ADF navigation is also more challenging, interesting and enjoyable.
Construction and Appearance
The modules are constructed using the same technique that CP Flight uses to produce all their modules and panels. Each upper panel is made from CNC machined acrylic which produces a very crisp finish and allows any letter cut-outs to be very well defined. The electronics board, rather than being left “naked” like other manufacturers, is sealed within a lightly constructed metal case. To allow the user to drop the module directly onto the pedestal rails, each module has overlapping wings that conform to the width of the rail. To ensure long life, the ADF radio modules incorporate dual concentric rotary encoders with stainless stems rather than plastic stems.
Inspecting the pictures of the ADF radios. you will observe a thin line of light between each illuminated digit. This is not visible in true life and is only an artifact of using a rather long shutter speed to take the photograph.
High Quality
The knobs and switches, which are custom machine injected, are true to life and are tactile in feel. As you click through the frequencies the movement is stable and well defined. There is no catching as the knobs are turned. The push keys on the units are plastic moulded, backlit and work flawlessly; they do not stick in the down position when depressed, and click back into position when pressure is released. The frequency displays are 7 segment digits and are very easy to read. Digit colours are in amber yellow.
The upper panel of the module is attached to the electronic circuitry within the lower section by a metal backing plate; this increases the strength of the unit and assists in the dissipation of heat. The modules are a well presented piece of avionics that accurately replicates the functionality found in the real 737 navigation radio. The panel is 1:1 with the OEM counterpart.
A light metal case protects internal electronics and two 5 pin DIN plugs supply connection and power to and from the radio and to other CP Flight components
No System Boards and Daisy Chaining
The modules do not require control boards - they are completely stand-alone. This minimises the wiring involved and the challenge of finding another location for yet another I/O card. However, to operate the modules you will require either the CP Flight Main Control Panel (MCP) or the 737MIP board. Both of these devices provide the power and ability for the modules to connect to and communicate with the main computer and FSX.
CP Flight uses what has to be one of the simplest methods for module connection – daisy chaining. Daisy chaining is when you have several modules linked by 5 pin DIN style connectors and one cable. The cables connect in relay between whatever modules you are using and eventually link to either the CP Flight Main Control Panel (MCP) or 737MIP board for connection to the computer via a single USB cable.
Boeing Grey
All CP Flight B737 series modules and panels are professionally painted in "Boeing grey". I’m not sure how many thin coats of paint are applied, but to date I have experienced no problems with regard to paint chipping or flaking. Although this last comment may appear trivial, the quality of paint is important. The modules will be used for many years and during the course of operation, you will be placing pens, clipboards, charts, coffee cups, etc on the center pedestal and the modules. Further, as the units are flat, dust will accumulate requiring dusting and cleaning. Low quality paint will scratch, fade and wear thin with time.
The observant will note that there is a difference in colour shade between the modules made by CP Flight and Flight Deck Solutions. A purist may argue that this is not realistic, however, I disagree. Through time, Boeing has used several shades of what has been coined "Boeing Grey" and it is not unrealistic to have modules sporting different shades of the baseline colour. Different avionics manufacturers (in the real world) also use different colour shades of "Boeing grey".
DZUS Complaint
If you are utilising real aircraft parts in your simulator, in particular a center pedestal, then any module that is DZUS complaint is advantageous as it allows for the module to be dropped directly onto the DZUS rails and secured by the DZUS fasteners. Unfortunately CP Flight fails in this area as their modules are not DZUS complaint. Each module has the appropriate holes drilled; however, they only fit replica DZUS fasteners (supplied). The width of the hole is too small to install genuine DZUS fasteners; you will be required to drill the hole a little larger to accommodate the genuine B737 fastener.
This picture illustrates the fit of the CP Flight ATC panel to the rails of an oem center pedestal Each panel is very closely aligned to the holes in the rail enabling the replacement of reproduction dzus fasteners with oem dzus fasteners
The ADF modules are back-lit by several strategically placed LED lights. This is commonplace within the industry with the exception of some high-end suppliers such as Flight Deck Solutions which use their own IBL back lighting systems utilising real aircraft bulbs. I have no issue with the back lighting and the module is evenly lit, illuminating all cut out letters.
CP Flight Module Set-up
The modules are stand-alone and do not requite software to be installed for operation – they are plug and fly; however, to connect the modules (via daisy chaining) to the computer via a single USB cable, either requires the CP Flight Main Control Panel (MCP) which acts as a power source amongst other things, or the dedicated 737MIP board. Software is required for the operation of the MCP and 737MIP board and can be downloaded from the CP Flight website. The software is easy to install and to configure.
Downside – Ghosting of COM Port
I’ve already discussed the simplicity of daisy chaining and the benefits of not needing to use a multitude of wires and I/O cards; but, everything comes at a price and CP Flight’s “Achilles Heel”, is the method they have chosen to connect everything to the computer.
Modules are connected to and from each other and to the MCP or 737MIP board via daisy chaining. The MCP or 737MIP board provides the power to run the module and allow information to travel between the computer and the module. The MCP or 737MIP board is then connected to the computer via a single USB cable. To connect to the computer requires that a COM port is ghosted to replicate a serial port.
Whilst this process is automatic, and occurs when power is applied to the MCP or 737MIP board, many users experience problems with the software ghosting the port. Usually the ghosting issue is solved with appropriate drivers and once the connection is made once, rarely is this problem again experienced.
Reliability and Performance – Software and Modules
No problems, other than the initial connection problems that “maybe” associated with the ghosting of the COM port.
There is no time lag when altering frequencies; the digits spin as fast as you can turn the dial. Drop outs have never occurred. The tone switch operates correctly and always listens for and connects with the correct marker morse tone. It’s important to note that the tone switch does operate as designed and can be used to switch off the “somewhat annoying” morse tone which is heard, when in range of the ADF.
Support from CP Flight is either directly via e-mail or by a dedicated forum. The support provided by CP Flight is exemplary. Paolo from CP Flight stands by the products he sells and every effort is made to ensure your modules work as advertised. There is absolutely no problem dealing with this company as the owners are very trustworthy and deliver what they promise.
Quick List – Pros & Cons
Well designed & constructed
Realistic quality machine-injected switches & stainless rotaries (not plastic)
1:1 to the real B737 series aircraft
Good attention to detail
Operational morse tone switch
Strategically positioned backlighting
Very easy to set-up and connect (daisy chaining)
Ghosting of COM port can be an issue when using MCP as connecting equipment (no experience with 737MUIP board)
Non DZUS compliant
Overall Opinion
I am very impressed with these modules. They are solid, well constructed and operate flawlessly out of the box! The quality of the modules is very high and it’s a pity that they are not made to be DZUS compliant. They suit the high end enthusiast to professional market.
My rating for the modules is 9/10
Please note that this review is my opinion and is not endorsed by CP Flight.