Main Instrument Panel (MIP) Arrived - Updated Progress
/fds mip in a large crate in trailer
At last, a phone call from DHL Freight Forwarding has advised me that the Main Instrument Panel (MIP) I ordered from Flight Deck Solutions (FDS) in Canada, in August, has finally arrived and is ready for pick up.
This means that the next phase - the actual construction of a working sim can begin in earnest.
The box that is used to transport the MIP is large as the MIP is prefabricated. When you order a MIP from Flight Deck Solutions you can choose to have it flat packed or prefabricated; I choose the later.
To recap on what has been acheived since August 2010:
Research, ordering and implementation of project
OEM 737-300 throttle quadrant overhauled and converted to operational use with flight simulator (FSX) & troubleshooting completed
Several phidget cards installed and calibrated to correct operation
737-300 center pedestal overhauled and ready to populate with avionics modules
Platform base constructed and painted
Weber Captain and First Officer seats procured and overhauled to working order
ACE yoke & column purchased, calibrated and flight tested
OEM 737-500 yokes and columns procured and awaiting conversion to operational use in flight simulator (March 2012)
Computers purchased, configured and networked
MCP and EFIS (pro version) purchased from CP Flight in Italy
Avionics modules (various) purchased for installation to avionics bay and evaluation
Main Instrument Panel (MIP) wired and prepared for installation and evaluation
Various genuine B737 instruments procured and awaiting conversion to operational use in flight simulator (in due course)
various software add on packages purchased and evaluated
Therefore, everything appears to be ‘green for go’.