Changing-out Joystick Cards - Leo Bodnar BU0836X Joystick Card

Leo Bodnar BU0836X joystick card and enclosure

Most flight simulators require regular maintenance to ensure that all systems function correctly. During a routine overhaul, which included replacing the potentiometers that are used to calibrate the flight controls, it was discovered that a Leo Bodnar joystick card had been damaged. Rather than replace the card with the same type (BU0836A), I decided to change-out to a Leo Bodnar BU0836X joystick interface card and protect it with a dedicated metal enclosure. 

I will not duplicate the detailed information that has already been written about the BU0836X on the Leo Bodnar website.   Rather, I will examine the advantages of using this particular card. 

The card and its protective enclosure can be purchased separately from Leo Bodnar Electronics in the United Kingdom. 

BU0836A and BU0836X Joystick Card

The BU0836X 12-bit joystick interface card has been available for some time and is very similar to the BU0836A joystick card; the latter being the mainstay for interfacing various hardware.  Both cards enable calibration of the joystick axes used for controls such as the ailerons, elevator, rudder, and the steering tiller, as well as interfacing with a various simulator buttons and knobs. 

Key Advantages 

The primary advantage of the larger BU0836X card, aside from its additional inputs and outputs, is that it does not use the JR connectors found on the BU0836A card.  JR connectors can be fiddly, prone to breaking (if not connected properly), and may become loose unless soldered directly to the card’s pins.

Over the years, I and cannot recall how many times a JR connector had worked its way loose from the vibration generated by the trim wheels rotating, and depending on the location of the card, a repair can be time consuming.

In contrast to using JR connectors, the BU0836X features push-to-secure connectors. This design allows wires between the gauge of 24-20 AWG (stripped to 9mm) to be easily inserted into the correct terminals and locked in place without requiring screws, solder, or JR connectors.  It’s only a matter of pushing the tab on the card inwards and inserting the wire into the hole. 

The push-to-secure design not only simplifies connection but also makes it easier to replace components like potentiometers or other hardware devices when necessary.  Additionally, the terminal bar is colour-coded with clearly printed labels, making identification straightforward, thereby reducing the risk of wiring errors.

The card has 8 analogue inputs (potentiometers, knobs), 32 inputs (button, switches) and 1 joystick HAT controller.

I find that working with a slightly larger card is much easier than its smaller sister, although an obvious downfall is the space required to mount the BU0836X card. I also like the fact that the card is made in the United Kingdom; therefore, production inconsistencies that occur with many less expensive Chinese cards is not as prevalent.

BU0836X Protection 

The card can be mounted on a base plate using standoffs and screws.  However, as with any hardware component, it is susceptible to damage from movement, accidental knocks, or falling objects - especially during maintenance (screwdrivers, pliers, eye glasses, coffee cups, mobile phones, i-pads, etc). 

To address this, Leo Bodnar offers a protective enclosure that has been specifically designed for the BU0836X and BU0836A cards respectively. The enclosure comprises two pieces of metal with the inner piece (called the slider) designed to slide into and out of the outer casing.  The card clips firmly into the inner slider and a small hex screw fastens the slider into the outer casing.  Realistically, the hex screw is overkill as the inner slider fits quite firmly, and I very much doubt that the slider will accidentally slide out of the outer casing.  The enclosure can then be attached to a base plate using four screws.

Once secured inside the enclosure, the card remains firmly in place and does not move or wiggle, ensuring excellent stability. This setup provides robust protection against physical damage while keeping the terminals fully accessible.

The enclosure has been well designed, is fabricated from metal, powder coated, and coloured black.

Additional Considerations 

Despite the protective enclosure, the wiring remains exposed to the environment, leaving it vulnerable to dust and dirt accumulation.  If this is a concern, a simple and effective solution is to fabricate a small plastic cover to shield the card and its wiring.  A repurposed plastic takeaway container works well for this purpose, providing an inexpensive and practical way to keep the card clean and secure. 


The BU0836X card is calibrated in the same way as the BU0836A card: initial registration in windows using the Game Controller (type JOY in the computer’s search bar) and then calibration in either flight simulator, ProSim737 or FSUIPC.

Final Call

The BU0836X card stands out for its well-thought-out design. Its larger size makes terminal identification and access easier, while the push-to-secure connectors provide reliable, solder-free connections.  Although its size could be a disadvantage in tighter spaces, it works well for most applications where space constraints are not a concern.  Additionally, the optional metal enclosure offers protection against physical damage, enhancing the card’s long-term durability.

For further information detailing how to use the BU086X joystick card.

  • This article is not endorsed by Leo Bodnar Electronics. Furthermore, I paid full price for the products discussed. 

Below: Gallery showing photographs of the BU0836X and BU0836A joystick cards and enclosures.

Updating Firmware to Leo Bodnar BU0836A 12-Bit Joystick Controller and Button Box BBI 32/64 Cards

BUO0836A Joystick Controller card with wires from the string potentiometer (ailerons)

Nearly every flight simulator has hardware devices that need to be connected to the server computer, whether it be to control the buttons and levers on the throttle quadrant, flight controls, or any other add-on device.

Most enthusiasts can recall a time when they experienced a problem with a hardware device.  Perhaps the device couldn’t be calibrated, or when calibrated, the settings were not maintained.  Worst case scenario was the device didn’t function and wasn’t recognised by the computer.  Many of these potential problems can be minimised by ensuring that the firmware on the card is the latest version release.

In this article, I’ll discuss how to update the firmware the BU0836A 12-Bit Joystick Controller card.  The same process can be completed to also update the Button Box BBI-32 or 64 card.  Both cards are manufactured by Leo Bodnar Electronics.


To connect a device to the computer, so that it can device can be recognised by Windows (and subsequently ProSim737 and flight simulator), requires an interface card of some description.  

Often, there isn’t much thought to addressing the firmware for the selected card.  The premise is if it works leave the card alone, and often this is the case, until you purchase replacement computer, upgrade your operating system, or install updates to the operating system.  Then, all of a sudden telltale symptoms emerge such as calibration issues, or in the worse case scenario, the computer fails to recognise the card.


Any advanced interface card requires firmware.  The firmware at its simplest, is a basic set of instructions to enable the card to communicate with the computer’s operating system (think double helix, chromosomes and DNA). 

When a card is purchased, the firmware is usually up-to-date so that the card will function with the latest operating system.  However, with time many aspects relating to the computer change (hardware, drivers, operating system, etc).  However, rarely is the firmware on the card updated.  Some manufacturers don’t update the firmware; instead preferring to sell another card.  However, a reliable manufacturer will nearly always offer upgraded firmware, from time time, especially after a period of time in which there has been major evolutionary computer change (for example, WIN XP/7 to WIN10).

At the time of writing, the latest release for the BUO086 card was Version 1.26.

Screen grab of the User Interface from the HID flash tool

Upgrading Firmware (flashing)

The process of upgrading the firmware on either of the above-mentioned cards is  called ‘flashing’, and if done correctly is a straightforward process. 

Prior to a card being flashed, it’s necessary to download (from the Leo Bodnar website) the HID flash tool and the firmware versions for the card.

The flash tool is a standalone program and is used to read any Leo Bodnar card connected to the computer.  Once a card has been read by the software its firmware version number can be ascertained.

Important Point:

  • The latest version of the firmware for the BU0836A and BBI cards, and the HID flash tool, can be downloaded from the Leo Bodnar website (towards bottom of page).

Important Suggestions:

  • Do not install the HID flash tool to the computer used by flight simulator.  Rather install the program to another computer.  Disconnect the card requiring flashing from the flight simulator computer and reconnect this card to the second computer.

  • Only connect one card at a time to the computer.  Looking at multiple cards simultaneously can be confusing, and you may inadvertently ‘flash’ the wrong card.

  • Always try and use the shortest USB cable possible when flashing a card.

How To 'Flash'

In this example, we will discuss upgrading the firmware to a BU0836A Joystick Controller card.  The process is identical for the BBI 32/64 cards.  As this article is quite short, including diagrams is difficult.  Therefore, a copy of the instructions including screen grabs can be downloaded in the Documents Section.

1:  Download the HID flash tool and firmware version zip files from the Leo Bodnar website and unzip the files to your desktop.

2:  Connect the Leo Bodnar card to the computer and open the HID flash tool as Administrator (mouse right click/open).  The software will open at the User Interface that displays various information for the selected card.  Take note of the firmware version number.  If it’s the latest firmware, then there is no need to flash the card (unless you suspect a problem with the firmware).

3:  If more than one card is listed, select the correct card and click the 1. Bootloader tab.  This will place the card into flash mode.  The interface will display the word boot or bootloader.

4:  Click the 2. Browse file tab and navigate to where you downloaded the various firmware versions.  Select the correct firmware upgrade version.  The firmware is documented as .bin files.  I am told that all the bin files are identical, other than the number (more on this later). 

5:  Once the file is selected, click 3. Flash firmware.  The firmware will be flashed to the new version.

Important Points:

  • If it’s not possible to update the firmware (old or damaged card), then the User Interface will indicate the card is still in boot or bootloader mode.  In  this case, an updated card will need to be purchased.

Renaming Cards

if you use mulitple cards.  Flashing can be a good way to change the name of the card to avoid confusion when looking at the card names in ProSim737.   Therefore, in Point 4 above, if you use .bin3, the card will be renamed to BU0836A_3 and if you choose .bin7, the card name will be BU0836_7 (and so forth).

Calibration Settings

It’s not uncommon for some calibration settings to be lost when a card is flashed.  Whether the settings are lost, depends upon how the card was used in the first place.  It's very likely the various axis will require re-calibration (ailerons, elevators, trim wheel and rudder), however, button settings should remain stable (because buttons are on/off and are connected to the terminals on the card).

Final Call

Computer hardware, operating system, and Windows updates can cause problems with various interface cards, especially if these cards are dated.  Fortunately, many manufacturers offer firmware that can update the card to enable it to operate flawlessly with a new up-to-date system.

Additional Information

Using a Pololu JrK Card to Fine-tune the Calibration of Thrust Levers

OEM NG style thrust lever

The throttle quadrant for many enthusiasts is the ‘holy grail’ of the simulator, and many individuals strive to ensure that the throttle operates as close as possible to its real world counterpart. 

The automated systems in the 737 aircraft drive the movement of the thrust levers in a coordinated manner, and it’s the accuracy, speed, and  synchronised movement that enthusiasts try to replicate.

Historical Context

Individuals often use Leo Bodnar Joystick cards, PoKeys, Arduino, and Phidget Advanced Servo cards to interface the throttle quadrant (and other hardware) with some using SIOC (a programming language) to connect propriety throttle quadrants.  Calibration, more often than not, was done via FSUIPC, or in a rudimentary way through ProSim737.

Although the throttle quadrant functioned, the position of the levers didn’t match the correct position for the commanded thrust (%N1), and the thrust levers would often be offset against each other and not move in a synchronised manner.  These shortcomings lead to the throttle being used only in ‘manual mode’, as the feedback from the software to the throttle didn’t generate consistent and reliable results. 

Two innovations have changed this – the introduction of Direct Calibration in ProSim-AR, and the development of the Pololu Jrk Interface Card. 

In this article, I’ll explain how to the calibrate the thrust levers using Direct Calibration in ProSim737.  I’ll also show you how to initially calibrate, and then fine-tune the Pololu Jrk card, to enable seamless integration with ProSim737.  Finally, I’ll discuss some advantages that using a Pololu card brings.

Important Point:

  • The calibration settings displayed in the various figures (Figures 1-5) are specific to one simulator.  The Pololu card settings in your simulator will be similar, however, some settings will be different because of subtle differences in the hardware being used.

ProSim-AR - Direct Calibration

ProSim-AR enables direct calibration of the various flight controls and surfaces directly within ProSim737.  This is in-line with their philosophy of trying to keep everything in-house (homogeneous) within ProSim-AR.  This not only enables ProSim-AR to maintain control of how the calibration process occurs, but it also aids in troubleshooting should a problem occur. 

Direct Calibration is a step forward in keeping ‘everything under one roof’ as opposed to using FSUIPC or another programming language to connect aircraft-related assignments.  At the time of writing, it is possible to use direct calibration for the: throttle levers, flaps lever, tiller, speedbrake, aileron, elevator, and rudder.

On a side note, Direct Calibration is one of the strengths of ProSim-AR, in addition to built-in native support (via their SDK and generic driver) for various interface cards (which includes the Pololu card).

Pololu JrK Interface card

Pololu Jrk Interface Card

The Pololu Jrk Interface card is a powerful and highly configurable 12v12 brushed DC motor controller, that provides a stable and robust solution to interface the automated movement of the thrust levers in a simulator environment.  Not only are the cards small, but they have been trialled extensively in robotic assignments; NASA uses an upmarket version of the Pololu JrK card to control aspects of the Mars Lander.

The card comes packed with a number of advanced features that enable you to tweak the interaction of the card with ProSim737 which, when combined with a quality 12 volt DC motor and string potentiometer will guarantee higher accuracy and better performance than when other calibration methods are used. 

Using ProSim737 and a Pololu Jrk Card to Calibrate Thrusts Levers 1 and 2

The engineering required to enable movement of the thrust levers is comparatively simple.

Each thrust lever is connected with a string potentiometer that in turn connects with a Pololu JrK card.  The Pololu card then connects directly to the computer by a USB connection.  This creates a closed loop system in which the Pololu card reads the movement of the potentiometers and sends this information to ProSim737 and then to flight simulator.

Obviously, two Pololu cards and two potentiometers are needed; one for each thrust lever, and the calibration of each thrust lever must be carefully done to enable both levers to move together in unison.  Additionally, two 12 volt DC motors are needed to provide the power to move the thrust levers.

To connect and calibrate a Pololu JrK card requires three steps (in sequential order):

(i)      Download and install the Pololu software;

(ii)     Turn on Pololu support in ProSim737 (Configuration/Drivers);

(iii)    Configure the initial settings in the Pololu Configuration Utility (PCU);

(iv)    Calibrate the thrust levers in ProSim737 (Configuration/Levers); and

(v)     Fine-tune the calibration in the Pololu JrK card using the Pololu Configuration Utility (PCU).

Once Pololu support has been selected in ProSim737, the Pololu card will be read automatically by ProSim-AR, and the calibrated settings sent to flight simulator. 

Important Point:

  • Initial configuration in the Pololu card (iii) must be done prior to calibrating the thrust levers in ProSim737 (iv).

Subtle Differences (Hardware)

Every throttle quadrant is different as we use different hardware, potentiometers, and DC motors.  It’s important to understand that, subtle differences in the hardware used in the throttle quadrant, will affect which settings are used to configure the Pololu card.

The following may have a direct effect on the accuracy, speed, synchronisation, and movement of the thrust levers.

(i)     Type of 12 Volt DC motor used;

(ii)    Variable output between DC motors;

(iii)   Type of potentiometer and the manufacturing variance (+/-) between units;

(iv)   The friction generated by each of the thrust levers; and,

(v)    The manufacturing variance (+/-)between each of the Pololu cards.

The type of potentiometer used will make a difference to how accurately the Pololu card can read the movement of the thrust levers.  If an inexpensive linear potentiometer is used, then the accuracy will continually degrade as the carbon trail on the potentiometer is slowly destroyed.  This will lead to frequent recalibration and fine-tuning of the settings. Using a string potentiometer will resolve this issue as contamination leading to loss in calibration is minimal. Use of a Hall sensor will deliver an even greater degree of accuracy (as these sensors are extremely accurate), although it’s debateable to exactly how much more accuracy will be achieved in the movement of the thrust levers, and whether this will be noticed. 

High-end string potentiometers and Hall sensors are often used in the medical industry where the tiniest input movement needs to be accurately measured.  In comparison, the movement of the thrust levers (input) is quite rough.

Performance can also be affected by the type of 12 volt DC Motor used.  If the motor has an amperage either too high or low, or the incorrect gear ratio, the thrust levers may be over or under powered, and no matter what finesse in calibration, the results will be less than optimal. If a low end motor or a hobbyist servo is used, the resolution of the motor steps will not be good enough to deliver a smooth transition when the thrust levers move; the levers will stagger as %N1 changes.

Also, depending on the type of throttle you’re using, the friction caused by the thrust levers moving will also be different; some levers move relatively easily while others require additional torque from the DC motor to move.

Interestingly, if you’re using an OEM throttle, there may also be differences between throttle unit builds, as each throttle quadrant is manufactured to be within a range of specific tolerances (manufacturing variance).  For example, the friction needed to be overcome to move the thrust levers is often different between throttle quadrants, and even respective levers on the same quadrant.

RAW data from thrust lever 1 during automated flight.  The upward and downward spikes signify major departure from acceptable operation.  The red line demonstrates how the spikes can be flattened when a Pololu card is used

Calibration of the thrust levers in ProSim737 without using a Pololu card does a reasonable job, however, the output is often quite rough – think of a graph with lots of upward and downward spikes. 

For consistent smooth operation the spikes shown in Figure 6 must be smoothed down.  A Pololu card enables fine-tuning of this output to achieve a consistent and repeatable output

Installing the Pololu JrK Card Software and Initial Configuration

Although ProSim-AR will automatically read the Pololu card, you’ll still need to install the Pololu software to enable access to the Pololu Configuration Utility (PCU).

Two Pololu JrK cards installed to Throttle Interface Module (TIM).  The compact size of the cards is readily apparent.  These cards deliver a big ‘punch’ for such a small size

After downloading the software from Pololu, open the ZIP archive and run ‘Setup.exe’. If the installer fails, you may have to extract all the files to a temporary directory, right click ‘Setup.exe’, and select ‘Run As Administrator’.

The installer will guide you through the steps required to install the Pololu Jrk Configuration Utility, the JrK Command-line Utility (JrkCmd), and the JrK drivers on your computer.

Once the software has been installed, there should be an entry for the JrK in the ‘Pololu USB Devices’ category of the Device Manager. This represents the card’s native USB interface, and it is used by the configuration software. 


  • Create a shortcut to the Pololu Configuration Utility (PCU) and save this shortcut to your desktop or menu system.  This will enable quicker and easier access to the utility.


For brevity and simplicity, I haven’t discussed every configuration setting in the PCU.  Instead, I’ve included several screen captures (Figures 1-5) that show the various configuration settings for reference.  These settings should provide a benchmark to enable you to configure the card. 

Notwithstanding this, I have enlarged on the two most important settings in the PCU that have a direct influence on the accuracy, and synchronised movement of the thrust levers. 

Confirming the Pololu Card Connection

After the initial configuration settings in the Pololu card have been configured, it’s a good idea to test the card’s functionality to confirm connection with ProSim737.  This is done by opening the Pololu Configuration Utility (PCU) and setting a manual target speed (Figure 1).  To engage the target speed, select ‘Apply’

Pressing ‘Apply’ will command the card to determine the position of the thrust lever as indicated by the potentiometer.  If the thrust lever is not at the same position on the throttle arc as indicated by the settings in the PCU (and it probably won’t be), the thrust lever will move to the commanded position.  If this movement occurs, it’s a good sign that everything is functioning correctly.

Calibrating Thrust Levers in ProSim737

Assuming everything is working, the next step is to calibrate the thrust levers in ProSim737.

Calibrating the movement of the thrust levers is comparatively straightforward.  Each thrust lever must be calibrated independently of each other, otherwise both levers will not move in unison when the automation (aircraft autopilot) is selected.

(i)     Enable Pololu support in Configuration/Drivers tab in the ProSim737 User Interface;

(ii)    Open the Configuration/Levers tab and assign for each throttle lever the Pololu input and output;

(iii)   Select the appropriate Pololu card for the analogue input and select ‘Feedback input’(1);

(iv)   Select the appropriate Pololu card for server output and then select ‘Motor output’(1); and,

(v)    Move the virtual sliding tab with the mouse (you should see the respective thrust lever moving).

(1) Located in adjacent drop down box.

To calibrate each thrust lever the virtual sliding bar is moved with the mouse device.  To register the position the ‘Min’ and ‘Max’ is selected. 

Slide the bar until the physical thrust lever rests in the idle position (the physical thrust lever should move as you slide the bar).  When the thrust lever is in the idle position select ‘Set Min’.  Next, move the virtual sliding bar until the position of the physical throttle lever rests in the fully forward position.  When it does select ‘Set Max’

For calibration to occur, the minimum and maximum positions must be registered.  This process must be completed for both thrust levers.

Important Points:

  • On some set-ups the ProSim737 software reads the throttle movements backwards.  In other words the position of the thrust lever will move in the wrong direction.  If this occurs, reverse the order - press ‘Set Max’ instead of ‘Set Min’ and ‘Set Min’ instead of ‘Set Max’.

  • Calibration occurs when the virtual sliding bar is moved with the mouse device.  Calibration is NOT done by physically moving the thrust levers.

  • To improve accuracy, select ‘Min’ and ‘Max’ only when the physical thrust lever has reached the end of its movement cycle.  This task may need to be done a few times to ensure the most accurate position is registered by the calibration process.

  • Ensure the option ‘closed loop autothrottle’ is NOT selected within the ProSim737 MCP software (right click the virtual MCP to open the MCP Config menu.

  • It’s recommended to use string potentiometers or Hall sensors to register the incremental movements of the thrust levers.  These will provide a greater degree of accuracy.

  • Always calibrate the thrust levers in ProSim737 prior to fine-tuning the Motor and PID in the PCU Interface.

  • It’s at the discretion of the user to calibrate and fine-tune the Pololu card to a level of accuracy they believe is a reasonable compromise between the position of the thrust levers on the throttle arc, and the speed at which the thrust levers move.

Fine-tuning Using The Pololu Configuration Utility (PCU) Tabs

To fine-tune the outputs from the throttle quadrant, the PCU must be opened.  The two tabs that are used to determine the accuracy, position, speed, and synchronisation of the thrust levers are the Motor and PID tabs.

The Motor Tab in the PCU (Figure 4) can be used to alter the current (amperage) and the duty cycle.  Both settings affect the output of the motor (which in turn alters the speed that the thrust levers move).

If the motor has an amperage either too high or low, then the speed that the thrust levers move at, may either be too slow or too fast.  Furthermore, DC motors often exhibit manufacturing variances (+/-)and it’s common to have 2 identical motors with slightly differing output.

If the output is not equalised between the two motors, the position of the thrust levers will be staggered and synchronisation between each of the levers won’t be possible.  Likewise, a different power output may be required to overcome the internal friction of the thrust lever, to enable movement of the lever to occur, . 

Tweaking the motor duty cycle will help eliminate these differences enabling synchronisation of the thrust levers.

The PID Tab in the PCU (Figure 3), an acronym for proportional coefficient, enables in-depth fine- tuning to be applied to the already completed calibration done in ProSim737.

Depending on the power (torque) of the DC motor and the hardware used in the throttle quadrant, the thrust levers may jitter (backward and forward movement when a constant %N1 is set).  To eliminate jitter, the PID is fine-tuned until a happy medium is discovered.

Consistency and Reliability

For the most part, Pololu Jrk cards are manufactured to a high quality and are very reliable; you shouldn’t experience a problem with a card.  Even so, there may be manufacturing variance (+/-)between respective cards.  However, because of the nature of the card, any subtle differences in output can easily be controlled through fine-tuning. 

The above said, the calibration of the thrust levers includes many variables that are interrelated, and to achieve consistent results, the components that provide information to the card, in particular the potentiometers and DC motors, must be of the highest quality.

Important Point:

  • If something doesn’t work as expected, try again using different variables.

Advantages Using a Pololu JrK Card

The benefits of using Pololu Jrk cards cannot be underestimated. 

(i)    Direct support (reading of card) by ProSim-AR;

(ii)   Small size enabling mounting almost anywhere; and,

(iii)  Fine-tuning and increased accuracy through use of the PSU User Interface.

Will I Notice A Difference Using a Pololu JrK Card

The question frequently asked is: ‘will I see a difference if a Pololu card is used’  The answer is not straightforward, as there are several interrelated variables (already discussed).  If the calibration is done carefully in ProSim737 and the variables tweaked in the Pololu PCU, there is no reason why there shouldn’t be a marked improvement.


There has been considerable confusion concerning using the Polulu JrK card with ProSim737. Specifically, whether the potentiometers can be connected directly to the Polulu card, whether dual potentiometers are required, and whether a joystick card, such as Leo Bodnar BU0863 A/X joystick card is required to calibrate the thrust levers.

The ProSim737 software has the ability to read the Polulu card directly. Therefore, the potentiometers can be connected directly to the Polulu card. Because direct connection is possible, a duel potentiometer is not required. The calibration of the thrust levers can be done directly in ProSim737. A joystick card is not needed.

This said, the throttle quadrant in my simulator uses dual potentiometers that connect directly to the Polulu JrK card (to provide feedback) and to a Leo Bodnar BU0836A card (for calibration). The later also being used to register and calibrate the throttle buttons, flaps and speedbrake lever.

Advantage of this methodology, although it does appear slightly convoluted, is three-fold:

  1. The calibration of the thrust levers and feedback can be separated. This can aid in troubleshooting if a problem occurs;

  2. The calibration of the thrust levers can be done outside of ProSim737 using FSUIPC, flight simulator or some other software (if required);

  3. The thrust levers can be used in manual mode without feedback connected. This is because the calibration has been done using a joystick card; and,

  4. By using duel potentiometers and a joystick card you have the option of using other avionics software. In other words you are restricting yourself to only using ProSim737 because of a specific hardware configuration.

Final Call

Evolution is rarely static.

Direct calibration has enabled greater accuracy in calibrating the various control surfaces within ProSim737 and, in concert with using an advanced card such as the Pololu JrK card, has been a evolutionary step forward.  This has lead to greater accuracy in the position of the thrust levers on the throttle arc, and almost perfect synchronisation, when automation is selected.

Further Information

This is but a short introduction to calibrating the throttle quadrant (thrust levers) directly within ProSim737 using the Pololu Jrk interface card.  For further information concerning the Polulu Jrk card and it’s use with ProSim-TS navigate to the ProSim737 forum and search Polulu. The Polulu website is also worth reading at Pololu.

Acronyms and Glossary

  • Manufacturing Variance (+/-) – This is where identical items, although appearing exactly the same are very slightly different.  Usually the tolerance is so small that it’s indiscernible.  However, manufacturing variance in electronics often is the reason why some parts function and some fail soon after first use.  An acceptable tolerance will be defined at the point of manufacture.  Usually, if an item requires a higher (tighter) tolerance this leads to a higher manufacturing and purchase price.  Often, but not always, there is a direct relationship between the price paid for an item and the reliability and longevity of that item.

  • MCP – Mode Control Panel

  • PCU – Pololu Configuration Utility

  • Throttle Arc – The curved piece of aluminium that the thrust levers move within.

Figures 1–5 display the settings for each of the tabs in the Pololu Jrk Configuration Utility  (PCU).  Note that these settings are generic to all throttles, however, the variables will differ slightly depending upon hardware used.

Protection for Interface Cards - USB Isolator

Phidget 3060 USB Isolator mounted on acrylic base

In the first of two previous posts we discussed surge protectors and the need for a protector to secure your simulator system from unwanted power surges.  The second post addressed circuit breakers in more detail and examined the different types of breakers that can be used.  In this final post I will discuss the use of an isolator to protect both your computer and any USB connected interface cards.

Multiple Phidget Card Failure

Recently I had to replace several Phidget interface cards.  The cards failed following failure of the internal power supply on my server computer.  The reason for the power supply failure is unknown, however for whatever reason a surge traveled through the USB port to the SMART module irreparably damaging two Phidget 0/16/16 cards and two Phidget 1066 motor controllers.

I contacted Phidgets in Canada who were very helpful in diagnosing the reason for the card failure.  Apparently it is not unheard of for powered Phidget cards to cease working following the failure of a computer power supply that Phidget cards are attached.

Potential Problem

The discussion with the technician highlighted a potential problem that Phidget cards are susceptible to.

When the internal computer power supply (CPS) fails the circuits are no longer fully operational which may cause unregulated power to briefly travel the shortest route to leave the system.  PCI cards and USB ports are for the most part totally unprotected and act as a first port of call for any unwanted transient power.  The power then travels through the connected USB cable to whatever is attached.  Although the surge (I will call it a surge) may only be a millisecond, it is enough to fatally damage or shorten the life of an attached interface card.  

Bear in mind that not every instance of a power supply failure will result in a surge; it depends on how the power supply failed.  In my case, when the power supply failed 5 volts continued to be distributed.  However, I believe the 5 volts was not clean power meaning that the voltage fluctuated.

The technician commented that it is relatively uncommon for the event described above to occur.  He suggested that a far more common issue is that, following the failure of a powered Phidget card, the unregulated power travels to the computer via the connected USB cable (the opposite direction to what happened in my situation).  In these circumstances, the USB port, PCI card, internal computer power supply, or worse still – the computer’s motherboard can be destroyed.

For a more detailed explanation with examples, I refer you to the Phidget website.

Phidget 3060 isolator – the size of a credit card, the isolator can provide protection for both the computer and the interface cards that are connected to it.  This isolator is installed into the SMART module and provides protection for the two 0/16/16 cards and two 1066 motor controllers

The Solution

Fortunately there is an easy solution to this potential problem: Phidgets 3060 USB isolator.  

The isolator is connected between the USB port and the interface cards.  In this way the cards are protected from the computer and the computer is protected from the cards, wiring and external power supplies used to power the cards.

The 3060 isolator installed into the Throttle Interface Module (TIM).  The isolator has been installed into an acrylic casing.  Although the casing is by no means necessary, it ensures that the isolator card does not become contaminated by dust.  The blue-coloured plastic band is temporary only

The 3060 isolator is a tad smaller than the standard-sized credit card and does not require a power supply.  The isolator has two USB connections, one side has a mini and the other side a standard connection.  This enables in-line connection of the isolator between the computer’s USB port and interface card/power hub.

In addition to the protection already mentioned, the isolator also protects against possible basic wiring errors and different ground voltages.  In some circumstances the isolator can also assist to stabilise a system form untimely USB disconnects.  The isolator achieves this by maintaining the correct voltage.

The interface cards used in the simulator have been mounted in standalone interface modules that in turn connect via USB to the server computer.  To protect the contents of each module, a 3060 isolator has been installed into each interface module.

Computer Power Supplies (CPS)

Although this problem was easily solved by purchasing replacement interface cards and installing isolators, it should not have occurred in the first place and it brings into question the reliability and quality of computer power supplies.

The choice of a CPS is often by chance, being the unit supplied with the computer (probably a inexpensive Chinese model).  However, CPS’s are not identical and you get what you pay for.  

Many manufactures claim a specific output/voltage/wattage from their power supplies, however only a few manufactures check and guarantee these outputs.  The last thing you want is a power supply that has fluctuating voltage or a unit that is rated a particular output but does not meet this requirement.  

The CPS installed in the server computer was not a quality item (it came with the computer and was not upgraded despite the remainder of the computer being re-built to flight simulator specifications).  For a few months I had noted that the CPS appeared to be running quite warm.  In hindsight, I should have realized the tell-tail symptoms of an impending problem.  

The failed CPS has been replaced with a Corsair RM750x Power Supply.  This particular model is used when tight voltage control is needed.  

Other benefits of using a Corsair CPS is that the capacitors are Japanese made and provide consistent and reliable output.  Furthermore, Corsair bench check every unit to ensure that they meet the outputs published.

Final Call

It is your call whether the expenditure and use of a USB isolator is warranted.  Certainly replacing Phidget cards can be expensive, not too mention the time required to install and rewire.  The isolator should be viewed as a type of insurance policy  - a 'just in case' option.

Further Information

The isolator is designed by Phidgets primarily to operate with powered Phidget cards.   The interface modules I use have Phidget, PoKeys and Leo Bodnar cards installed and connecting an isolator did not cause any issues with the operation of these cards.

I do not know if the isolator will cause problems with other USB standalone modules.

This post is but a primer.  For additional information, refer to the Phidgets website.  Note I am not affiliated with Phidgets in anyway.


  • CPS – Computer Power Supply.

  • PCI Card – Computer bus for connecting various hardware devices.


UPDATE 2016-01-19 08:25 by FLAPS 2 APPROACH: I have been contacted by another flight simulator builder who has stated that he used a Phidgets isolator and had problems with Open Cockpit modules disconnecting.  He decided that then isolator caused more problems that what it was worth (USB disconnects). 

Although I cannot comment on his situation, the isolator is primarily designed to be used with Phidget cards that are powered, not non Phidget cards or un-powered cards.


ferrules. They enable easy connection of thin wires to terminal blocks

What are ferrules some of you may ask – no they are not the undesirable neighbours that play loud music and park old cars in front of your house; they are called “feral”… 

A ferrule is a small electrical connector that comes in a variety of different sizes that is very handy when connecting electrical wires.  The metal needle of the ferrule is hollow allowing you to fit the correctly sized wire for maximum connectivity and faithful conductivity.

Solid Connection

1mm red ferrules connected to a terminal block

Building a simulator involves the connection of a multitude of wires to interface cards, power supplies, terminal blocks and other electronic components.  Having a method to easily secure wires that ensures reliability is a great asset.

Whilst you can solder wires to the above items, it is often necessary to remove a wire for testing purposes or to add an additional function to the connection.  Twisting and clamping the wire beneath the screws or under a screw tab while functional is far from tidy, and eventually the wire will become damaged with loose wire strands. 

Loose and damaged wires can translate to poor connectivity leading to frustration when something does not work correctly.

A ferrule can easily be attached to the end of a small wire (22 gauge) and crimped.  The ferrule needle can then be cut to size to fit into an interface card or terminal block.  Ferrules come in a variety of colour-coded sizes and can be used for differing wire gauges.

A special crimper tool is used to crimp' the ferrule in place securing the wire.

I’ll submit that ferrules are not suitable to use everywhere; however, for certain applications they are useful to have in your simulator-building toolkit.

Belkin Hubs - An essential Add On


BELKIN powered hub with external case removed

Throttle Commands Not Working

Refurbishing a throttle quadrant is not without its problems.  In an earlier post, I touched briefly on the issue of the throttle commands not responding.  The connection between flight simulator and the throttle would drop out and anything related to the throttle quadrant would cease to function.

Determining the problem was time consuming, however, the culprit was a faulty power supply that powered a Belkin USB powered hub.  The power supply I had been using was a standard computer power supply unit (PSU) and it was not new.  The PSU was overheating, and when it reached a particular temperature it would cause the powered Belkin hub to disconnect.  When the PSU returned to normal temperature (after being turned off) the Belkin hub worked perfectly.

USB Hubs - always use a powered hub

Hubs are an important piece of gear when putting together a simulator or running anything that has a lot of peripherals.  Unless you have a city of USB ports on the rear of your computer (unlikely) then you will need a hub.  Hubs are good as they minimize the number of USB cables that need to be connected to your computer.

When selecting a hub only use a powered hub. The reason being is that there is often a lot of information being transmitted, via the hub, between your device and the computer.  A powered hub helps maintain the integrity of the hub and stops information drop outs.  I only use non-powered hubs for devices such as keyboards and mouse.

Phidgets and Hubs

I learned from experience (computer crash & scrambled phidgets) that it is not a good idea to connect phidgets directly to your computer via the USB cable.  I'm not exactly sure why this is not possible, but it is recommended on the Phidget forum to always use one or two powered hubs when connecting phidgets to your computer.